// apply inline-box only for mozilla if( jQuery.browser.mozilla ) { // do when DOM is ready $( function() { // search form, hide it, search labels to modify, filter classes nocmx and error $( 'form.cmxform' ).hide().find( 'p>label:not(.nocmx):not(.error)' ).each( function() { var $this = $(this); var labelContent = $this.html(); var labelWidth = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( this, '' ).getPropertyValue( 'width' ); // create block element with width of label var labelSpan = $("") .css("display", "block") .width(labelWidth) .html(labelContent); // change display to mozilla specific inline-box $this.css("display", "-moz-inline-box") // remove children .empty() // add span element .append(labelSpan); // show form again }).end().show(); }); };